Devotions from the Heart

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Speech Seasoned with Salt

I don't know about you, but my husband and I use Lawry's Seasoned Salt on almost everything: from chicken to stir fry to french fries. This seasoning has become a staple in our home.

I have been challenged this week with Colossians 4: 5-6, which talks about our speech being seasoned with salt. We will dig more into this verse later on, but let me first give you the background.

My 2nd graders and I have had to have a few "class meetings" this week. My students know when I call I class meeting, something very important or exciting is about to be shared. They are very quiet as they anticipate what will be said. Our class meetings this week have needed to be about how we talk to each other. 

It is nearing the end of the third quarter and to honest with you, my kids need a break-and so does their teacher! My students are becoming irritated with each other, in the way a brother and sister would be after a long vacation. Little things are causing us to talk harshly to each other, such as passing in line, going out of turn in a game, talking out loud without being called on, taking a book one wanted to read. While these may seem silly to us, my children have been crying when another student talks harshly to them. For example, one little girl came to be with big tears rolling down her cheeks, saying, "Ollie (not the original name) doesn't want to be my friend anymore. She yelled at me telling me to give that pencil back when I got it first out of the bin." 

In our meetings we have talked about our tone and the kind way to ask for a pencil, ask to get back in line, etc. We have modeled scenarios in class and are working through this so our classroom will be successful. 

Then on the way home that day I was listening to K-Love. The radio station was discussing the importance of making the most of our every conversation, for we were never to know when this  might be our last conversation, our last chance to share the love of Christ, our last time to tell this person we love them.

Dig into this verse with me:

Colossians 4:5-6 Walk in wisdom toward those who are on the outside, redeeming the time. Let your speech always be with grace (study notes said what is spiritual, kind, purposeful, complimentary, gentle, truthful, loving, and thoughtful) seasoned with salt (a blessing to others and purifying influence) so you may know how you ought to answer to each one.

I pray for my everything I say to be true to this verse. I want to lift others up, I want them to see Christ in me. I am going to try to be purposeful this week in this: telling Justin I am appreciate him, calling my brothers to tell them I love them and am proud of them, complimenting my co-workers, telling the cashier at Food Lion she has pretty eyes, and looking for a way to tell another the most important message of Jesus's love.

Each time I sprinkle Lawry's in a recipe this week, I hope to be reminded of having speech seasoned with salt and grace.

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