Our sweet dog Sadie seems to have a theme to her life which should be applied to our own lives. Her theme is: PLAY, REST, and DELIGHT. Enjoy these 10 ideas of how we can apply Sadie's theme to our lives:
1. It's rather ok to take more than one nap in a day.
If Sadie isn't playing or eating, she is enjoying a nap. It may be a nap basking in the sun, under the shade of our pin oak tree, or stretched out under the fan in the living room. Not such a bad idea is it?
2. Let small things in life bring joy.
Sadie jumps up and down when we mention a walk, runs in circles when she gets a new toy (her baby), bounces in the yard when a cool breeze is blowing, and wags her tail fervently when she gets to attack a bug. What if we could find joy in a sunrise, a yummy meal, an evening walk, a small gift, a beautiful day, or even an interesting looking bug? I believe our lives would be filled with more smiles and laughter.
3. Take time to be still.
During our early morning walks, Sadie and I enjoy hiking through a large field beside a creek. With the morning dew resting on the green grass stalks, Sadie turns this into a nice comfy bed. She will run and slide on her belly, stretching out her back legs. She then listens to the birds, feels the sunshine, licks the grass, and gazes across the field. She will stay like this until I tell her to come. Sometimes, she ignores me and continues to lay in her bed of grass. We also need to learn to be still, enjoying the presence of God, living in the moment instead of thinking of what needs to be accomplished next or what will happen later in the day.
4. Be willing to taste anything.
Sadie loves to eat, but not necessarily her doggie kibble. Sadie loves to eat whatever Justin and I are eating. Whatever we give her, she is willing to try. Our doggie has tried carrots, sweet potatoes, watermelon, bananas, broccoli, and apples. And she has eaten each one! So taste that new food, you might just really like it.
5. Love each person you meet.
In Sadie's eyes, everyone is wonderful. We have often wondered if she would protect us if our house was broken into. Many people have said, "What a sweet dog!" Why can't we treat and accept others like this? Seeing the good in everyone?
6. Sometimes your quiet presence is enough.
There have been times I have been very upset and retreat to sit beside my bed on the floor, trying to hide from the day or the situation. It seems Sadie senses this, and she comes to sit or lay beside me. Her quiet presence encourages me and lets me know I am loved. When a friend, spouse, or family member is going through a hard season in life, remember words are not needed. Only your presence.
7. Play, play, and play some more.
As with most dogs, play is engraved in her heart. Sadie will play whatever game you want to play with her until you tire out. Whether it is throwing her "baby", across the living room floor, having a race, or a game of chase, she is always ready. May we always have time to stop being so serious and play.
8. Look someone in the eyes when they are talking to you.
Ok, I admit it, I talk to Sadie. I ask her questions and tell her stories as if she understands me. And, deep down, I can't truly deny my belief that she doesn't understand. Whenever I talk to Sadie, she looks me in my eyes, turning her head back and forth, trying to read my voice. May we be sure to look our spouse, friend, co-worker, cashier, parent, brother, etc. in the eyes when they are talking to us. Let's show we are interested and care.
9. Sit at your Master's feet.
I know dogs dont' have a choice but to lay at our feet, but what about ON our feet? Sometimes Sadie will come and plop right on top of my foot, giving a good lick while she's down there. This reminds me of the story of Mary and Martha. You see, Mary and Martha are sisters and Jesus comes to visit their home. Martha is busy preparing the meal, cleaning the dishes, and straightening up the house. On the other hand, Mary is sitting at the feet of Jesus, listening to his teaching. Jesus says, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled at many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion and it will not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:38-11:54 ESV).
May we take time to plop down at the feet of Jesus, listening to His voice as we read His word.
10. Greet each new morning with excitement.
Sadie shares a smile and a tail wag each morning. She is happy to get her breakfast, fresh water, and the opportunity to snuggle back on her bed on school mornings, when Justin and I get up in the wee hours of the morning. I challenge us to greet each day with a smile and a happy heart.
I hope you enjoyed the ideas I have learned from my wise dog. May we allow ourselves to PLAY, REST, and DELIGHT in life.
Shared with: Gracedsimplicity.com, Wearethatfamily.com, Raisingmightyarrows.net, and Servingjoyfully.com
Also linked to Top Ten Tuesday
this is great! I'm sharing this with my dog-loving children. thank you!