Devotions from the Heart

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Top 10 At Home Date Ideas

Here are some creative ideas for date nights at home. Enjoy!

1. UNO tournament

        This simple game has brought much laughter to our home this summer. What started out as a small tournament to see who could get the best of 5 games has turned into a competitive duel. My husband is beating me 26 games to 10! And oh, how we doesn't let me forget. 
Note: We have changed the rules a little to best fit 2 people. Start with 10 cards and only draw 1 card when you can't play. Also, if the dealer can deal a perfect 10 to each plays in the beginning of the game, the opponent gets 10 extra points. The first player to reach 100 points or above loses the game.

2. Nerf Gun fight

     Buy two simple Nerf guns from your nearest drug store and have fun chasing each other around the house screaming and laughing like children. The first player to hit their spouse 3 times wins the game. 

3. Snuggle and watch a movie

     Make a batch of homemade popcorn and enjoy a good movie together all while snuggling.

4. Ice cream sundae date on patio

     Make sundaes at home with all your favorite toppings. As the sun sets and the stars come out, enjoy your ice cream and each others presence outside for a while.

5. Go camping in your yard

     Who says you have to spend $20.00 a night to have a nice campsite? Pitch up a tent in your backyard and enjoy a mini vacation. 

6. Romantic dinner at home

    Wives, surprise your husband with his favorite home cooked meal complete with white Christmas lights     streaming overhead. Wear one of your favorite dresses and tell him to dress up too! After dinner, slow dance to the song you danced to at your wedding.

7. Look at old photo albums

     Pull out old albums from when you first started dating and reminiscence over all the special memories.

8. Go on a long walk

    If your neighborhood isn't the best place for a walk, go to a nearby park to enjoy a long walk. Listen to your spouse as he or she talks and ask a lot of questions. Or just enjoy each other's presence with no talking. Don't forget to hold hands.

9. Play music together

     Pull out the old guitar, spend time at the piano, clap your hands to the drums. If one of you plays an instrument, teach your spouse! 

10. Plan your next big vacation

     When is your next vacation time? What is the budget? Where do we want to go? How do we want to save? Look at pictures and set both of your hearts on a destination you want to visit with a date in mind. 

I hope these ideas have reminded you how important it is to be silly, create memories, and spend quality time with your spouse keeping all your heart's attention on them.

Linked to Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little Blessings