Devotions from the Heart

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Oh What We Do To Feel Beautiful

To be a woman in this culture is more difficult than it should be. Our culture places so much emphasis on beauty, sometimes we can't help but be swept in the waterfall and taken in the stream of our culture's expectations. 

Over this past month, I have been swimming in this stream. Buying a couple new pairs of pants at Rue 21, a couple shirts from Old Navy, and a new pair of polka-dotted flat shoes made me feel a little better. Next came a new haircut, getting it layered shorter than I ever have. This was not quite enough so I decided to change the color of my hair. I bought a $4.00 box of do-it-yourself hair color  at Walgreens and am so thankful my hair did not turn green! Now I am a shade blonder, have more layers in my hair, and have a few new outfits to wear. Yet I was still unsatisfied-I still did not feel beautiful even though my husband tells me this each day-he is so sweet!

During my quiet time before school while eating strawberry oatmeal, God led me to 1 Peter 3:3-4, which I clung to during my middle and high school years yet somehow it must have gotten buried deep in my heart. I am thankful God spoke these words to me through Peter:

Do not let your adornment be merely outward-arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel, rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in God's eyes.

I am beautiful and precious in God's eyes when I have a gentle and quiet spirit. When I am humble and put others before myself. 

I know my body is God's temple, but he is way, way more concerned on with what goes on in my heart than if my outfit is in style, my hair is fixed just right, or even if I am wearing make-up.

1 Samuel 16:7 says, "For the Lord sees not as man sees; man looks on the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart." (English Standard Version)

My question is now: Am I beautiful in my heart? 

When I think about the women I consider beautiful in my own life, you know what? It is not the women who have it all together on the outside. These women who are beautiful in my life are okay not wearing make up in public, don't fret if they are a few pounds heavier than they want to be, and are okay wearing the same outfits over and over. The women I think are beautiful have love shining in their eyes and actions. These are the women who love their family and neighbors more than they love themselves. These are the women I know have a gentle and quiet spirit. I want to be like them.

A book that helped me a lot during middle school (such a hard time as a young girl) is True Beauty by Andrea Stephens. I still have this book with my 7th grade handwriting inside. When I go home to my parents house, I am going to find this book in the attic and reflect on the truth I learned years ago-beauty is in the heart.

Reflect on these words by Bethany Dillon in her song Beautiful

I was so unique 
Now I feel skin deep 
I count on the make-up to cover it all 
Crying myself to sleep cause I cannot keep their attention 
I thought I could be strong 
But it's killing me 

Does someone hear my cry? 
I'm dying for new life 

I want to be beautiful 
Make you stand in awe 
Look inside my heart, 
and be amazed 
I want to hear you say 
Who I am is quite enough 
Just want to be worthy of love 
And beautiful 

Sometimes I wish I was someone other than me 
Fighting to make the mirror happy 
Trying to find whatever is missing 
Won't you help me back to glory 


You make me beautiful 
You make me stand in awe 
You step inside my heart, and I am amazed 
I love to hear You say 
Who I am is quite enough 
You make me worthy of love and beautiful

You can also hear the song here

Every woman wants to feel beautiful. 

We must remember that Christ makes us beautiful and we are so unworthy. When we abide in Him, He shines through our hearts, our smiles, our actions, and our joy to truly make us beautiful. Let's cling to this truth instead of the lies of the world.

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